7 Days To Die Console Commands


  1. 7 Days To Die Console Commands 18
  2. Cheat Mode 7 Days To Die
Apr 5th, 2015

The Creative Menu is creative tool used to model the world without the need to make any materials and allows access to all the blocks and items currently available in the game. It can only be accessed when the Cheat Mode Modded Option is set to On. To use the Creative Menu, you must first start or continue a game with the option Cheat Mode set to On and press the U key (Default Key) during. 7 Days to Die doesn't just have a brilliant console, but also a great feature known as 'Cheat Mode' or 'Debug Mode'. In debug mode, you can do all sorts of things like fly, enter god mode, and creative mode. In order to enable debug mode, you need to type a code into the console.

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  1. debugmenu dm => enables/disables the debugmenu
  2. shownormals norms => enables/disables display of normal maps in gBuffer
  3. showalbedo albedo => enables/disables display of albedo in gBuffer
  4. showspecular spec => enables/disables display of specular values in gBuffer
  5. creativemenu cm => enables/disables the creativemenu
  6. mem => Prints memory information and calls garbage collector
  7. enablescope es => toggle debug scope
  8. admin => admin control, use admin add playername permissionLevel, admin remove playername, admin update playername permissionLevel
  9. cp => command permission control, use cp add command permissionLevel, cp remove command, whitelist update playername permissionLevel
  10. whitelist => whitelist control, use whitelist add playername permissionLevel, whitelist remove playername, whitelist update playername permissionLevel
  11. kick => Kicks user with optional reason. 'kick playername reason'
  12. ban => Bans user for x timeframe. 'ban playername 1 hour' timeframes allowed: minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years
  13. listthreads lt => lists all threads
  14. setgamepref sg => sets a game pref
  15. spawnentity se => spawns an entity
  16. aiddebug => Toggles AIDirector debug output.
  17. spawnsupplycrate => Spawns a supply crate where the player is
  18. shownexthordetime => Displays the wandering horde time
  19. buff => Applies a buff to the local player
  20. starve => Makes the player starve.
  21. listents le => lists all entities
  22. chunkcache cc => shows all loaded chunks in cache
  23. showchunkdata sc => shows some date of the current chunk
Some items' or groups' chance to drop changes according to the player's gamestage. Here you can see those values for any gamestage you want using the little box below. Just type the gamestage you want in the box and press the Apply!-button. The values should change immediately, if the chance is different.
Current game stage: 1

List of Buffs (Alpha 16 only. Stay tuned for Alpha 17 updates after final stable build is out)[edit | edit source]

Note: The speeds in the speed column should be interpreted as follows:

  • starts with a plus: speed is increased by this percent.
  • starts with a minus: speed it decreased by this percent.
  • no sign: speed is set to this much of normal, may increase or decrease speed depending on its current value.

7 Days To Die Console Commands 18

A Nice Hot StewPositiveAlpha 16.1
Advanced DysenteryNegative -5 every 60 seconds -2 every second-0.25 every 100 in-game secondsAntibioticsAlpha 16.1
Alcohol PoisoningNegative -5 every second-1 every 100 in-game seconds40Sobering up, less than 9 beers.Alpha 16.1
Arrow Critical BleedoutNegative -1 every second -1 every secondAlpha 16.2
Blackstrap Coffee (buff)Positive .25 every secondAlpha 19.2
BleedingNegative -1 every second -1 every secondSimple Bandage
First Aid Bandage
First Aid Kit
Alpha 16.1
Blood Loss AdvancedNegative -2 every second-0.6 every 60 secondsAlpha 16.1
Blood LossNegative -.5 every secondAlpha 16.1
Blunt Force TraumaNegative -100Alpha 16.1
Broken LegNegative-40SplintAlpha 16.1
Burning - MolotovNegative -12 every secondBeer
Bottled Water
Bottled Murky Water
Boiled Water
Canned Murky Water
Goldenrod Tea
River Water
Toilet Water
Alpha 16.1
BurningNegative -10 every secondBeer
Bottled Water
Bottled Murky Water
Boiled Water
Canned Murky Water
Goldenrod Tea
River Water
Snowberry Juice
Toilet Water
Alpha 16.1
BuzzPositiveGetting SoberAlpha 18
Caffeine BuzzPositive + 20% regeneration every secondAlpha 16.1
Cannot BreatheNegativeAlpha 16.1
Cold ResistancePositiveAlpha 16.1
CritGunAK47Negative -150Alpha 16.1
CritGunMP5Negative -100Alpha 16.1
DrowningNegative -14 every 4 secondsBreaching the surfaceAlpha 16.1
DrunkNegative +5 every second90Waiting for amount of alcohol to drop to below 2Alpha 16.1
DysenteryNegative -1 every second-0.02 every 30 in-game secondsGolden Rod Tea
Alpha 16.1
30pxEfficient DigestionPositiveAlpha 19.2
First Aid - AdvancedPositive 1 every secondAlpha 16.1
First AidPositive 0.5 every secondAlpha 16.1
Food PoisoningNegativeAlpha 18.4
FreezingNegativeFeels like temperature > 30FAlpha 16.1
Grandpa's Moonshine (Status Effect)PositiveGetting Sober
HangoverNegative -1 every secondAlpha 16.1
Heat Stroke - Stage 1Negative -1 every second-30Feels like Temperature < 110°F (43.3°C).Alpha 16.1
Heat Stroke - Stage 2Negative -1 every 4 seconds -3 every second-50Feels like Temperature < 120°F (48.9°C).Alpha 16.1
HungryNegativeEating food to increase Fullness (Food) above 50 percentAlpha 17
Hypothermia - Stage 1Negative -1 every second-20Feels like Temperature > 20°F (-6.7°C).Alpha 16.1
Hypothermia - Stage 2Negative -1 every 10 seconds -2 every second-30Feels like Temperature > 10°F (-12.2°C).Alpha 16.1
Hypothermia - Stage 3Negative -1 every 4 seconds -3 every second-50Feels like Temperature > 0°F (-17.8°C)Alpha 16.1
Infection - Stage 1Negative -0.3 every secondAntibioticsAlpha 16.1
Infection - Stage 2Negative -1 every second-0.25 every 100 in-game secondsAntibioticsAlpha 16.1
Infection - Stage 3Negative -1 every 3 seconds -2 every second-0.25 every 100 in-game secondsAntibioticsAlpha 16.1
InfectionNegativeAntibiotics, Jar of Honey, Herbal AntibioticsAlpha 16.1
Internal BleedingNegative -15 every second -15 every secondAlpha 16.1
Mega Crush!Positive +10 every secondAlpha 16.1
OverheatedNegativeFeels like Temperature < 100°F (37.7°C)Alpha 16.1
Pain Killers (Buff)Positive 0.34 every secondAlpha 16.1
Red Tea CoolingPositiveAlpha 16.1
SatiationPositive 0.67 every secondHealing value of the food has run out.Alpha 16.1
ShockedNegative -3 every 0.5 seconds0.1Alpha 16.1
Shotgun WoundNegative-60Alpha 15.1
Sick DrunkNegative -1 every second-0.5 every 100 in-game seconds70Metabolize down to less than 1Alpha 16.1
Snowberry PoisoningNegative -1 every 20 seconds-0.1 every 20 secondsMetabolize the snowberries. Takes about 14 seconds per Snowberry.Alpha 16.1
Splinted legNegative+20TimeAlpha 16.1
Sprained LegNegative-20SplintAlpha 16.1
StarvingNegativeEating food to increase Fullness (Food) above 30 percentAlpha 17
StunnedNegative-0.5-90Alpha 16.1
Thirsty - Stage 2Negative -1 every 30 seconds -3 every second-0.5 every 15 secondsDrinking anything that hydratesAlpha 16.1
ThirstyNegative-0.1 every 30 secondsDrinking anything that hydratesAlpha 16.1
Warmed by a FirePositiveMove out of range.Alpha 16.1
WeaknessNegative -2 every second-0.6 every 60 in-game secondsNone (time)
Yucca Juice CoolingPositiveAlpha 16.1
Yucca Juice Smoothie (Buff)PositiveAlpha 19.2

Cheat Mode 7 Days To Die

Retrieved from 'https://7daystodie.gamepedia.com/List_of_buffs?oldid=116004'