Wartune Charisma Effect

Before level 40 Dungeon all MP are just using brawl and no “brain” needed. But since reach Void level where strategy are require in order to successfully pass the boss. Selected team member who are highly “Friendliness” so the more heart you will have extra boast. Therefore don’t be stingy on giving out Rose to your friend who often do dungeon with you or high level people who you always ask to help in doing dungeon.

  1. Wartune Charisma Stat

You will earn friendliness experience points when you or your friend energize each other’s Wartune Tree of Ancients. You will also earn friendliness level when you crawl the Wartune multiplayer dungeon together. Giving out Rose will increase friendliness and charm too.

When you run dungeons with players on your friends list, you will earn additional bonuses based on the different friends levels. As you can see from this list, it is good to have a bunch of friends who run dungeons with you to gain the extra experience points bonus to level up in Wartune.

Friendship Level 1: EXP +5%
Friendship Level 2: EXP +3%
Friendship Level 3: EXP +2%
Friendship Level 4: HP +700
Friendship Level 5: Charisma +70
Friendship Level 6: PDEF +280
Friendship Level 7: MDEF +280
Friendship Level 8: PATK/MATK +350
Friendship Level 9: PATK/MATK/PDEF/MDEF/HP/Charisma +100

R2Games Presents the Wartune 6.1 Patch Update: Outland System - Who will step forth to conquer and claim this land and its resources as their own?!; Venus' Battles - The War of Eternity has escalated into Venus' Battle ever since the goddess, Venus, descended upon the land of Gaia!; Eudaemon Diagram - A new Eudaemon panel has been created!; Tattoo Engraving - Get ready to engrave your tattoo. Welcome to the Wartune Wiki Edit. Official R2Games.com Wartune Wiki! Wartune is a refined free-to-play 2.5D browser MMORPG released by R2Games. Wartune encompases multiple types of gameplay into one experience. Strategy, turn-by-turn combat, role-play adventure, and city building are all main components of Wartune gameplay. Charisma: Multiply by your troops x Their hp/200. Worth double if your troops are in front. For example, a ring found as loot might have these stats: HP +120 (Base effect) PATK +30 PDEF +30 Crit +50 Intellect +5 Charisma +10 Would be worth to an archer. Then start your first free one after that and leave again at level 1 and repeat these steps each day only doing 1 run a day. This in effect is getting you max possible results with your free run as possible each day and gaining more xp and gems and tokens than others. Why your are not using 2nd run and using a crypt key is next tip.

As you can see, the stats boost at higher friendship level can make you pretty strong. If you can, try to stick with a couple of active close friends who play the game. The long term friendship growth will definitely pay off in both Wartune Arena fights and future group fights like the Wartune guild battle ground.

(it same as void normal, only the monster are harder to kill and have a lot more damage)

Duration: Around 15 min per run if with Yaros portal it will be around 20min

Recommended each member has minimum BR of 20,000 (Bringing any member who are lower BR than this will be a liability unless you have high BR player in your team to offset it)

Recommended team member include a healing mage and archer with deep freeze to slow down boss attack.

Gold Trick – When you reach a 3rd level where there is a blue goblin. Gain maximum gold reward by attacking the blue goblin alone (using Knight is recommended) while others 3 heroes stay at the north/top tomb furthest as possible and only join in the fight after the fight is started. This will ensure the goblin will not split into 2 group and divided the gold into half for each group.

Yaros’s Portal – This portal guarded by blue goblin may or may not exist on each run. Once it exist your team can gain extra loot by enter to this portal. You will meet the boss in this portal name Yaros.

Attacking Yaros like attacking other boss except on the final hp bar. Yaros damage will increase 5x therefore it is necessary to save rage until final bar and release all Super spell skill on Yaros to kill him as soon as possible.

Final boss The eyeball – The Eye will strike the back row on start. Therefore placing a high defender are necessary, you may adjust the formation by placing Knight who can shield on start or mage who have tremendous MDEF.

Eyeball will buff your team member which it will reduce the member defense tremendously therefore it good to debuff this effect.

In case your team stuck in MP dungeon you may invite a high level guild mate to come in and help. Someone may have to leave to create empty slot for this helper.

Duration : Around 10 min per run

Recommended each member has minimum BR of 25,000 (Bringing any member who are lower BR than this will be a liability unless you have high BR player in your team to offset it)

Recommended team member include a healing and debuff mage and archer with deep freeze to slow down boss attack.

As you can see it is end faster then Void and more experience too.

1st boss, look like giant robot should not be the problem nothing special about it skill.

2nd boss the Bird , should not be the problem nothing special about it skill.

Final Boss the worm, starting with 2 troop and it attack are normal. Once it troop die. The boss will attack with random bleed effect. No matter how high is your defense it will bleed you to death. Therefore the mage have to debuff the bleed effect immediately as it can bleed to death in 3-4 turn. Unfortunately the bleed effect happen very frequent even could happen right after the mage debuff it bleed again. so make sure the mage have high rage or using rage rune.

p/s: mage do not try to heal during bleed as it bleed faster then you can heal. Debuff instead.

Recommended BR 30,000

Do not run this Mp if you don’t have a strong level 55+ hero or maybe 2 level 55+ ….

Team: Mage healing and debuff, Archer debuff, 2 Knight Windwirl

1st boss , should not be the problem nothing special about it skill.

2nd boss the goblin, after a few attack this after the boss troop die, it will unleash a attack that take half of random 2 heroes hp. After a few more attack it will unleash this attack again. If it happen to hit 1 of the same hero again then this hero will die for sure. Therefore a mage have to restore the first damage hp before the goblin unleash it second attack again.

The last boss, Fayden – It started attack and defense like normal boss. Until reach 75% of it final HP bar it Unleash 2 clone, Yolanda high MDEF and Fayden of fallen, high PDEF. The Yalonda can only be kill by PATK heroes. While Fayden of fallen can be damage greatly by the mage.

Wartune Charisma Effect

With 2 of the clone here, it have high damage therefore must kill it fast. Buff from the clone like reflect damage and shield make them harder to kill.

There is a small chance that to kill Fayden before it unleash the clone. All of the heroes have to use their super skill to attack on it last hp bar before it get lower then 75%. Furthermore all have to unleash the super attack at the same time within 1 sec…which is almost impossible to coordinate such attack.

Therefore the only way to kill this boss and it clone is to kill clone name Yalonda first which have high MDEF. Upon Fayden release it clone, the Knight have to use windwirl to damage Yalonda while the mage do not use any AOE attack on the clone. Once the damage by windwirl, Yalonda will have lower hp compare to Fayden of fallen. Knight can follow up with Ultimate slasher to reach Yalonda. Repeat to kill it while the mage focus only healing and archer to debuff the reflect damage and shield on the clone.

After Yalonda is killed, left Fayden of fallen will be easier to deal as mage have more time to heal damage done by only 1 boss. After 20 -30 hits eventually this Fayden of fallen will be die.

P/s: Mage do not use any AOE attack when both clone appear. Although mage can damage Fayden but because of 2 clone all the heroes will be losing hp fast, mage cannot continue to attack but heal instead. Then the knight Ultimate slasher can’t get to Yalonda but Fayden of fallen instead who have high PDEF then both clone can’t be kill fast enough.


Wartune Charisma Stat

Character Tips/Guides

Need help building your character? Don't know what to build up or what to add to make your character have better abilities? What troops should you use? What level should your troops stop at? What are the best equips for your Hero?
These are just a few questions that will be answered here! Feel free to use this guide and these tips to make your character the best you can make it!
Knight Class needs:
PDEF = Physical Defense
HP = Hit Points

*Warrior/Knight class are single target attackers with great damage ability and very high defense and HP. They are tankers for the other classes. They have no magic ability.
Raise your PATK and PDEF first! Equip your skills according to RAGE consumption amount. This will help when your fighting.
After you've built your warrior/knight's attack and pdef up, build your MDEF last. Using the blacksmith to socket the proper gems required! Refining your equips to accommodate your toon, will also help you become a better tank!
*Adding Block via Astrals or Gems will also increase your ability as Knight, allowing you to fight stronger opponents!*
*using the academy (@ lvl 18 or 20) you will need to raise your HERO PATK, PDEF, MDEF, HP, and GOLD. Keep them evenly leveled!
*continue raising those stats each time you can (by leveling the academy as you lvl)

*using the academy (@ lvl 18 or 20) you will need to raise your troop PATK, PDEF, MDEF, MATK, HP, Troop Count. Keep them evenly leveled!
Warrior/Knights Require:
Priests (stop at lvl 30-35)
Angels (stop at lvl 40)

*Because warrior/knight class already has defenses higher than other classes, ranged troops are a better selection.*
*Leveling up your troops to those lvls will allow you to reach certain goals in your campaign and help you in battles along your adventure!*
Warlocks* = You may also want Templars, but Warlocks are better when it comes to MATK against enemies. Due to preferrance, you may choose either the Templar or Warlock at lvl 50!
Mage Class needs:
PDEF = Physical Defence
HP = Hit Points
*Mages are an AOE class - meaning they use AREA of EFFECT attacks that attack MULTIPLE enemies at once. These are DPS mages.
*Mages are a Healing class - meaning they us healing spells on themselves, troops, and allies. These are HEALING mages.
DPS Mage:
Raise your attacks and attack spells mostly! Using MATK and MATK Gems to increase your attacks first - then work on defending gems.
Raise your Healing skills first, to the best of your ability along with your MDEF/PDEF first using Gems. Then work on your ATK spells.
*using the academy (@ lvl 18 or 20) you will need to raise your HERO MATK, PDEF, MDEF, HP, and GOLD. Keep them EVENLY leveled!

*using the academy (@ lvl 18 or 20) you will need to raise your troop PATK, PDEF, MDEF, HP, Troop Count. Keep them EVENLY leveled!
Mages Require:
Paladins (stop at lvl 30-35)
Knights (stop at lvl 40)

*Leveling up your troops to those lvls will allow you to reach certain goals in your campaign and help you in battles along your adventure!*
Archer Class needs:
CRIT = Critical Attack

*Archer class is ranged attacks. Using both single and area of effect attacks, they are high critical users. They have no magic abilities.
Raise your PATK first, equipping your simplest attacks first, but work your way to your Delphic DeathStar. Using your PATK gems, first! After you have a high PATK, begin working on your PDEF and MDEF (Physical defense and Magic defense) with gems or equip stats.
*using the academy (@ lvl 18 or 20) you will need to raise your HERO PATK, PDEF, MDEF, HP and GOLD. Keep them EVENLY leveled!
*continue raising those stats each time you can (by leveling the academy as you level)

*using the academy (@lvl 18 or 20) you will need to raise your troop PATK, PDEF, MDEF, MATK, HP, Troop Count. Keep them EVENLY leveled!
Archers Require:
Paladins (stop at lvl 30-35)
Knights OR Angels (stop at lvl 40)

*Leveling up your troops to those lvls will allow you to reach certain goals in your campaign and help you in battles along your adventure!*

Templars* = You may also want Warlocks, but Templars are greater in defense, and attack - but Warlocks use Magic attacks, depending on your preferrance you may choose either the Templar or Warlock at lvl 50!
These little shield looking things are gained from Battlegrounds, Guild Battles, Arena (party 3v3) PVP Duels, and certain quests or found in battleground treasure chests. These items are valuable - once you have a certain amount built up (each stack only holds 999 then a new stack will begin) you will be able to visit the ARENA SHOP and purchase valuable equipment that is only found there!

Arena Shop
This shop is for insignia purchases! Rare and valuable items are found here, including epic equips and valuable trinkets! Here you can find the BEST armor for your HERO! Nothing beats the Arena armor, so be sure to save up all your insignia so you can get the best!

These little silver tokens are found in the Forgotten Catacombs. They are used to purchase valuable rares from the Crypt Shop located in the Forgotten Catacombs. Save these tokens.

This shop is located in the Forgotten Catacombs. Only Tokens from the Crypt (Crypt Tokens) can be used here! This shop hides items that are usable in synthesizing items and equips and also hides wonderful jewelry from lvl's 20 on up! So keep your eyes peeled and save those wonderful tokens!