Super Mario Rpg Exp Booster

  1. Super Mario Rpg Exp Booster Hack
  2. Booster Tower

This is a ROM hack of Super Mario RPG that shows off what you can do with the statistical and gameplay (battle system-wise) aspects of the game mostly, but also shows what you can do in terms of attack animations and other things as well.

V5.0 - ABSOLUTE Release. Fixes ALL bugs that existed in previous versions, including the bugs where the battle message doesn’t pop up for specials after Level 30. They will NEVER pop up now. Fixed the Lamb’s Lure not working properly and not allowing you to obtain a certain later item. Thunderbolt (Mg. Power 32 vs. 24), Geno Beam (Mg. Power 48 vs. 40) and Geno Flash/Geno Flare (Mg. Power 90 vs. 85) have seen a significant Mg. Power increase. Spire and Sleepy Time has seen Mg. power decreases but are ALSO the only other specials blessed with the Jump Counter bump still. Geno Whirl now costs 8 FP and Terrorize now does damage again. All enemies, bosses, characters, weapons equipment, jump counters (Yes, the one that’s attached to Jump), timing, items, specials, and level ups are now completely balanced. Save Point in Bowser’s Castle moved back out of Croco’s Room and placed before Kamek to fix a glitchy bug that occurs in the Factory section of the Gate area. All messages have been proofread and edited. “Bob” the Shy Ranger now has a more appropriate name. Slight dialogue change, talk to the guy behind the house to the left of the castle in Mushroom Kingdom at the beginning! Triplets’ Shop sells more useful selection of items and also sells a very much improved “Mushroom”. Bad Mushroom can mute OR Poison enemies. A few bosses have been tweaked and/or improved to be more balanced and/or difficult. Culex will still kill you at any Level if you’re not careful. ALL FUTURE RELEASES WILL BE FOR THE SAKE OF BUG FIXING!

Super Mario Rpg Exp Booster

Super Mario RPG: WARNING: do not copy these codes to other sites! After Battle 1: 7EFA02FF: 16. 50 - Exp Booster 51 - Attack Scarf 52 - Rare. EXP grinding in Super Mario RPG I figured if anybody would know, it'd be you guys. I'm playing through Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars for shits and gigs and I want to be maxed out before I reach the end. Super Mario RPG: Armageddon; Exp. New Game Plus (Default) Light Theme testing easy mode test. Copy of New Game Plus. Once you reach the bottom of Land's End from the quicksand pits save game and remove all armor and weapons from characters place the exp booster on whoever and then die afterwards then rinse. Booster is an accessory that can be used by anybody in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. It doubles the experience that Mario, Princess Toadstool, Bowser, Geno and Mallow get from a battle. It can be bought at Seaside Town from Frogfucius' Student for twenty two Frog Coins. Booster can only be used by one party member at a time, as with all other accessories.

V4.0 - FINAL Release. Nearly Complete overhaul of the hack. Names of enemies, attacks and spells edited to be more fitting to the Japanese version of the game and to make more sense out of the attack. The pricing of Sleepy Bomb is fixed. Mallow given Thunderbolt as his first special again. All enemies and bosses are balanced as best as possible. Some enemies and bosses have seen improvements to their scripts to make sure that the game is fair but giving off a challenging vibe. New equipment and items have been made, while some items have been changed to be made more useful. Most other equipment has been tweaked to maintain that balance. EXP and monetary gains have been tweaked to be generally more rewarding but to establish a flow with the game. Characters and characters’ stats have been tweaked to bring a greater balance between the party members. Bosses have all been tested to ensure that no bugs or oddities exist any more. The bug with the Specials menu where characters would learn a special at Level 51 has been fixed. Smithy, Jinx, and Culex have been tweaked. Some enemy spells have been made weaker for balancing issues. Save point before Kamek/Magikoopa has been moved into the room with Croco’s 2nd shop to prevent problems of possibly “getting stuck” due to Kamek/Magikoopa’s increased difficulty. Two of the three Musty Fears’ flags have been moved.

V3.0 - Pending FINAL release. Fixed the bugs with Shy Rangers, Axem Rangers and Helios. Fixed a few goofy battle formations. Bugs with Defender, Exor that were found were also fixed. Battle Scripts have been looked over and improved if needed. Enemies and bosses received one last thorough balancing, so that the difficulty curve is better maintained. Bowser’s Terrorize special no longer does damage. Peach’s Sleepy Time special now does damage (Mg. Power of 50). Peach’s Mute Special now will never miss. Timing for Geno Whirl has been lowered from 8 frames to 5 now. Prices at the Frog Disciple’s Shop has been lowered. Various accessories and equipment improved. Fixed a mistake with Yoshi Candy. Fixed Falcon Helm and Red Cap not protecting characters from certains status effects. Increased EXP gain for Machine Made enemies and some of the enemies in Forest Maze (for easier leveling up).

V2.0 - Fixed most of the bugs and glitches of all the bosses, enemies, and battle formations with testing involved. Buffed Falcon Helm and Red Cap even more (status protection), A few bosses has been changed from before: a few are less annoying, but more are harder. Geno Boost only boosts Attack and Magic Defense now, but still has 2 frames for Defense. Only few minor bugs remains, but the hack is officially complete!

V1.30 & V1.31 - Fixed a few problems with Culex (NOT MAJOR), and a horrible Level-up bug (Broken Peach, and broken stats). Also, Geno Boost & Ultra Jump has been balanced even more, but frame for timing is increased for Geno Boost slightly. Also, minor changes & fixes to some bosses.

V1.20 & V1.21 - Fixes major battle bugs with Croco #2, Machine Made Yaridovich, Replacement Boss, and Culex. Also, Smithy, Jinx and Culex have been severely revamped and star grinding is less broken. Mallow and Geno have been buffed and a few of their specials improved. Stats and prices of certain pieces of equipment and items improved. Version 1.20 has V1.1a’s characters specials table while Version 1.21 has the new specials table. Example: Bowser learns Bowser Crush at Level 37 in V1.20, he will learn the same special at Level 30 in V1.21.

EDIT: V1.1a fixes the problem with Yoshi-Ade. In V1.1, Yoshi-Ade is so broken that it freezes the game. Also, the last boss got an increase in attack power for good reason.

  • Characters can go level up to Level 50
  • All bosses and enemies’ battle scripts changed
  • Character stats changed around
  • Spells changed
  • All Enemy stats changed
  • Dialogue changes (Mostly in-battle)
  • New enemies and enemy name changes
  • Well-balanced difficulty curve
  • Timing for Weapons, defense and spells changed
  • A few new attacks and spells
  • Some new items and equipments

Changes made from Remix (an older version):

  • Solves problems with some enemies/bosses with multiple attacks (i.e. Enemies attacking after characters have died, leads to bug where enemy jumps offscreen and attacks nothing, only to come back some minutes later).
  • Mallow with Shocker at the beginning instead of Thunderbolt as his first spell (Some enemies changed a bit to compensate for this).
  • Balance out stats between characters and increase HP stat boosts
  • Change enemy encounters around a bit (i.e. Mushroom Way, a Goomba encounter might give you two Goombas and a Koopa Troopa).
  • Improved certain boss and enemy tactics as well as stats to make a little tougher/more balanced.
  • Fixed the bug where it says that your character will gain a new special at Level 51. The max level is 50 in this game.
  • Changed Geno Whirl’s stats (It will always hit now, sometimes will hit 9999 on its own, but timing for guaranteed 9999 is VERY hard like Geno Boost’s).
  • Changed stats for a few pieces of equipment (Masher, Lazy Shell).
  • ALL Weapons have small changes to timing (Mainly just for the strongest level of the attack).
  • Changes to most Psychopath messages
  • Fixed problem with “Ready, Get Set, Go!” message on Booster Hill.
  • Small fixes with some out-of-battle text messages
  • Improved enemy evasion for most enemies.
  • Balanced FP cost and all-targeting attacks
  • Lessened overall EXP gain to compensate for Lucky Jewel, Lucky! Bonus, and the special Hammer.
  • EXP Booster costs twice the amount of Coin Trick now.
  • Balanced the stat-boosting items

Addendum: The archive was updated to fix the headered patch included, greatly reducing filesize of the archive. The non-headered patch and readme are unchanged.

Super Mario Rpg Exp Booster Hack

Hacking List

Go here for an explanation of how to hack savestates.


Equipment: 20477 – 20494
Items: 20495 – 204B1 (204B2 is the trash can, so change at your own risk)
Special Items: 204B3 – 204C1
Coins: 204C2, 204C3
Current Flower Points: 204C4 (999 max)
Maximum Flower Points: 204C5 (99 max)
Frog Coins: 204C6, 204C7 (999 max)
Player Name: 204C8 – 204CF

Booster Tower

Super Mario Rpg Exp Booster

Character Statistics:
Level: 20413
Current HP: 20414, 20415
Maximum HP: 20416, 20417
Speed: 20418
Attack: 20419
Defense: 2041A
M. Attack: 2041B
M. Defense: 2041C
Exp: 2041D, 2041E
Equipped Weapon: 2041F
Equipped Armor: 20420
Equipped Accessory: 20421
Technique List: 20423
Level: 20427
Current HP: 20428, 20429
Maximum HP: 2042A, 2042B
Speed: 2042C
Attack: 2042D
Defense: 2042F
M. Attack: 20430
M. Defense: 20431
Exp: 20432, 20433
Equipped Weapon: 20434
Equipped Armor: 20435
Equipped Accessory: 20436
Technique List: 20438, 20439
Level: 2043B
Current HP: 2043C, 2043D
Maximum HP: 2043E, 2043F
Speed: 20440
Attack: 20441
Defense: 20442
M. Attack: 20443
M. Defense: 20444
Exp: 20445, 20446
Equipped Weapon: 20447
Equipped Armor: 20448
Equipped Accessory: 20449
Technique List: 2044C
Level: 2044F
Current HP: 20450, 20451
Maximum HP: 20452, 20453
Speed: 20454
Attack: 20455
Defense: 20456
M. Attack: 20457
M. Defense: 20458
Exp: 20459, 2045A
Equipped Weapon: 2045B
Equipped Armor: 2045C
Equipped Accessory: 2045D
Technique List: 20461
Level: 20463
Current HP: 20464, 20465
Maximum HP: 20466, 20467
Speed: 20468
Attack: 20469
Defense: 2046A
M. Attack: 2046B
M. Defense: 2046C
Experience: 2046D, 2046E
Equipped Weapon: 2046F
Equipped Armor: 20470
Equipped Accessory: 20471
Technique List: 20475, 20476
The five main stats (speed, attack, etc.) that can be altered are the base stats. Any bonuses from weapons are added during the game, and are not included here. The maximum value for the base stats is 255, or FF in hexadecimal. Maximum HP is 999.
The experience number is the total experience of the character, and the experience needed to reach the next level is derived from that. If you input a value greater than of the needed experience, after one fight the character's level will raise to whatever it should be with that amount of experience. However, if you input 9999 (0F 27 in hexadecimal) the game stops keeping track of experience, so the character will gain no levels.
Similarly, changing the level stat will only raise the amount of needed experience, delaying the next level up, without giving the character the bonuses and techniques for the levels that were skipped over. Also, if the character's level is set to 30, the game stop keeping track of experience, and the character will gain no levels. In short, changing the level stat is a bad idea.
I advise against messing with the technique lists, as what tests I have done have proved little. For example, Toadstool's and Mallow's lists are broken up into two pieces, one for use out of combat and one for use in combat only, thus they have two offsets each. Bowser only uses one offset, but inputting some values give him only half of his techniques and others give him some of Geno's techniques. For now, experiment with these at your own risk until I solve this bizarre puzzle. Of course, if you want to solve it yourself, go right ahead! I can use the help.
* = Dummy item, unusable
00: Weapon*
01: Armor*
02: Accessory*
03: Space*
04: Space*
05: Hammer
06: Froggie Stick
07: Nok Nok Shell
08: Punch Glove
09: Finger Shot
0A: Cymbals
0B: Chomp
0C: Masher
0D: Chomp Shell
0E: Super Hammer
0F: Hand Gun
10: Whomp Glove
11: Slap Glove
12: Troopa Shell
13: Parasol
14: Hurly Glove
15: Double Punch
16: Ribbit Stick
17: Spiked Link
18: Mega Glove
19: War Fan
1A: Hand Cannon
1B: Sticky Glove
1C: Ultra Hammer
1D: Super Slap
1E: Drill Claw
1F: Star Gun
20: Sonic Cymbal
21: Lazy Shell
22: Frying Pan
23: Hammer*
24: Spare*
25: Shirt
26: Pants
27: Thick Shirt
28: Thick Pants
29: Mega Shirt
2A: Mega Pants
2B: Work Pants
2C: Mega Cape
2D: Happy Shirt
2E: Happy Pants
2F: Happy Cape
30: Happy Shell
31: Polka Dress
32: Sailor Shirt
33: Sailor Pants
34: Sailor Cape
35: Nautical Dress
36: Courage Shell
37: Fuzzy Shirt
38: Fuzzy Pants
39: Fuzzy Cape
3A: Fuzzy Dress
3B: Fire Shirt
3C: Fire Pants
3D: Fire Cape
3E: Fire Shell
3F: Fire Dress
40: Hero Shirt
41: Prince Pants
42: Star Cape
43: Heal Shell
44: Royal Dress
45: Super Suit
46: Lazy Shell
47: Spare*
48: Spare*
49: Spare*
4A: Zoom Shoes
4B: Safety Badge
4C: Jump Shoes
4D: Safety Ring
4E: Amulet
4F: Scrooge Ring
50: Exp Booster
51: Attack Scarf
52: Rare Scarf
53: B'Tub Ring
54: Antidote Pin
55: Wake Up Pin
56: Fearless Pin
57: Trueform Pin
58: Coin Trick
59: Ghost Medal
5A: Jinx Belt
5B: Feather
5C: Troopa Pin
5D: Signal Ring
5E: Quartz Charm
5F: Spare*
60: Mushroom
61: Mid Mushroom
62: Max Mushroom
63: Honey Syrup
64: Maple Syrup
65: Royal Syrup
66: Pick Me Up
67: Able Juice
68: Bracer
69: Energizer
6A: Yoshi-Ade
6B: Red Essence
6C: KeroKero Cola
6D: Yoshi Cookie
6E: Pure Water
6F: Sleepy Bomb
70: Bad Mushroom
71: Fire Bomb
72: Ice Bomb
73: Flower Tab
74: Flower Jar
75: Flower Box
76: Yoshi Candy
77: Froggie Drink
78: Muku Cookie
79: Elixer
7A: Megaelixer
7B: See Ya
7C: Temple Key
7D: Goodie Bag
7E: Earlier Times
7F: Freshen Up
80: Rare Frog Coin
81: Wallet
82: Cricket Pie
83: Rock Candy
84: Castle Key 1
85: Debug Bomb*
86: Castle Key 2
87: Bambino Bomb
88: Sheep Attack
89: Carbo Cookie
8A: Shiny Stone
8C: Room Key
8D: Elder Key
8E: Shed Key
8F: Lamb's Lure
90: Fright Bomb
91: Mystery Egg
92: Beetle Box
93: Beetle Box
94: Luck Jewel
95: DUMMY*
96: Soprano Card
97: Alto Card
98: Tenor Card
99: Cystalline
9A: Power Blast
9B: Wilted Shroom
9C: Rotten Mush
9D: Moldy Mush
9E: Seed
9F: Fertilizer
A0: Waste Basket
A1: Big Boo Flag
A2: Dry Bones Flag
A3: Greaper Flag
A4: Secret Game
A5: S. Crow Bomb*
A6: Cricket Jam
A7: Bane Bomb*
A8: Doom Bomb*
A9: Fear Bomb*
AA: Sleep Bomb*
AB: Mute Bomb*
AC: Fireworks
AD: Bomb*
AE: Bright Card
AF: Mushroom
B0: Star Egg
FF: Nothing (clears any equipment/item in that slot)

(c)2006 All materials are copyrighted by their respective authors. All games mentioned in this site are copyrighted by their respective producers and publishers. No infringement on any existing copyright is intended. All rights reserved.